WCSGA-2022 Tee Sheet

2022-3 - Thu, January 27

The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA / White
Time Players
The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Bishop, Don
10:10 AM White Dempster, Bob + Ream, Bryant
Bronson, Greg
10:00 AM White Horowitz, Bruce + Koscinski, Tim + Seba, Don
Brooks, Bill
11:00 AM White Casey, Joe + Gillespie, Rick
Byrom, Mike
8:40 AM White Ward, Rich
Casey, Joe
11:00 AM White Brooks, Bill + Gillespie, Rick
Coulson, Doug
9:20 AM White Ramsbottom, David
Dempster, Bob
10:10 AM White Bishop, Don + Ream, Bryant
Faldet, Larry
9:00 AM White Tolson, Larry
Gazioglu, Sal
8:30 AM White Munse, Scott
Gillespie, Rick
11:00 AM White Brooks, Bill + Casey, Joe
Gordon, Richard
9:30 AM White Miller, Curt + Sanchez, Anthony
Horowitz, Bruce
10:00 AM White Bronson, Greg + Koscinski, Tim + Seba, Don
Koch, Jack
10:50 AM White Pineau, Patrick + Stewart, Carl
Koscinski, Tim
10:00 AM White Bronson, Greg + Horowitz, Bruce + Seba, Don
Miller, Curt
9:30 AM White Gordon, Richard + Sanchez, Anthony
Munse, Scott
8:30 AM White Gazioglu, Sal
Noyce, Larry
9:50 AM White Scott, Michael + Shapiro, Mike
Pineau, Patrick
10:50 AM White Koch, Jack + Stewart, Carl
Ramsbottom, David
9:20 AM White Coulson, Doug
Ream, Bryant
10:10 AM White Bishop, Don + Dempster, Bob
Sanchez, Anthony
9:30 AM White Gordon, Richard + Miller, Curt
Scott, Michael
9:50 AM White Noyce, Larry + Shapiro, Mike
Seba, Don
10:00 AM White Bronson, Greg + Horowitz, Bruce + Koscinski, Tim
Shapiro, Mike
9:50 AM White Noyce, Larry + Scott, Michael
Stewart, Carl
10:50 AM White Koch, Jack + Pineau, Patrick
Tolson, Larry
9:00 AM White Faldet, Larry
Tonrey, Frank
10:40 AM White
Ward, Rich
8:40 AM White Byrom, Mike