WCSGA-2022 Tee Sheet

2022-16 - Thu, May 5

The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA / White
Time Hole Players
The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Arroyo, Richard
8:00 AM 14A White Barber, Tom + Gegg, David + Tower, Thomas
Barber, Tom
8:00 AM 14A White Arroyo, Richard + Gegg, David + Tower, Thomas
Barnett, Berle
8:00 AM 14B White Harbin, David + Stallings, Winston
Barnett, Mike
8:00 AM 15A White Kohut, John + Mitchell, Richard + Quinn, Hilory
Blanford, Richard
8:00 AM 1A White Leal, John + Munse, Scott + Shaw, Blake
Cogburn, Robert
8:00 AM 18A White Noyce, Larry + Olson, Paul + Razon, Teddy
Cook, Jim
8:00 AM 13A White Fisher, Norman + Hoock, Gunther
Dunshee, Bob
8:00 AM 17B White Parag, Jay + Roets, John + Schuler, Ron
Faldet, Larry
8:00 AM 15B White Phillips, Tom + Reading, John + Thorne, Dan
Fallis, Bruce M
8:00 AM 18B White Hill, Bruce + McCorkle, Gary + Thorpe, Tom
Fisher, Norman
8:00 AM 13A White Cook, Jim + Hoock, Gunther
Gazioglu, Sal
8:00 AM 1B White Koch, Jack + Sanchez, Anthony + Tonrey, Frank
Gegg, David
8:00 AM 14A White Arroyo, Richard + Barber, Tom + Tower, Thomas
Harbin, David
8:00 AM 14B White Barnett, Berle + Stallings, Winston
Hill, Bruce
8:00 AM 18B White Fallis, Bruce M + McCorkle, Gary + Thorpe, Tom
Hoock, Gunther
8:00 AM 13A White Cook, Jim + Fisher, Norman
Hoppman, Phillip
8:00 AM 17A White Lowen, Robert + Maher, Robert + Nichols, Mike
Koch, Jack
8:00 AM 1B White Gazioglu, Sal + Sanchez, Anthony + Tonrey, Frank
Kohut, John
8:00 AM 15A White Barnett, Mike + Mitchell, Richard + Quinn, Hilory
Leal, John
8:00 AM 1A White Blanford, Richard + Munse, Scott + Shaw, Blake
Loeb, Bob
8:00 AM 16 White Segura, Gene + Sheldon, Stan + Taylor, Kent
Lowen, Robert
8:00 AM 17A White Hoppman, Phillip + Maher, Robert + Nichols, Mike
Maher, Robert
8:00 AM 17A White Hoppman, Phillip + Lowen, Robert + Nichols, Mike
McCorkle, Gary
8:00 AM 18B White Fallis, Bruce M + Hill, Bruce + Thorpe, Tom
Mitchell, Richard
8:00 AM 15A White Barnett, Mike + Kohut, John + Quinn, Hilory
Munse, Scott
8:00 AM 1A White Blanford, Richard + Leal, John + Shaw, Blake
Nichols, Mike
8:00 AM 17A White Hoppman, Phillip + Lowen, Robert + Maher, Robert
Noyce, Larry
8:00 AM 18A White Cogburn, Robert + Olson, Paul + Razon, Teddy
Olson, Paul
8:00 AM 18A White Cogburn, Robert + Noyce, Larry + Razon, Teddy
Parag, Jay
8:00 AM 17B White Dunshee, Bob + Roets, John + Schuler, Ron
Phillips, Tom
8:00 AM 15B White Faldet, Larry + Reading, John + Thorne, Dan
Quinn, Hilory
8:00 AM 15A White Barnett, Mike + Kohut, John + Mitchell, Richard
Razon, Teddy
8:00 AM 18A White Cogburn, Robert + Noyce, Larry + Olson, Paul
Reading, John
8:00 AM 15B White Faldet, Larry + Phillips, Tom + Thorne, Dan
Roets, John
8:00 AM 17B White Dunshee, Bob + Parag, Jay + Schuler, Ron
Sanchez, Anthony
8:00 AM 1B White Gazioglu, Sal + Koch, Jack + Tonrey, Frank
Schuler, Ron
8:00 AM 17B White Dunshee, Bob + Parag, Jay + Roets, John
Segura, Gene
8:00 AM 16 White Loeb, Bob + Sheldon, Stan + Taylor, Kent
Shaw, Blake
8:00 AM 1A White Blanford, Richard + Leal, John + Munse, Scott
Sheldon, Stan
8:00 AM 16 White Loeb, Bob + Segura, Gene + Taylor, Kent
Stallings, Winston
8:00 AM 14B White Barnett, Berle + Harbin, David
Taylor, Kent
8:00 AM 16 White Loeb, Bob + Segura, Gene + Sheldon, Stan
Termin, David
8:00 AM 13B White Vicain, James + Watts, Michael
Thorne, Dan
8:00 AM 15B White Faldet, Larry + Phillips, Tom + Reading, John
Thorpe, Tom
8:00 AM 18B White Fallis, Bruce M + Hill, Bruce + McCorkle, Gary
Tonrey, Frank
8:00 AM 1B White Gazioglu, Sal + Koch, Jack + Sanchez, Anthony
Tower, Thomas
8:00 AM 14A White Arroyo, Richard + Barber, Tom + Gegg, David
Vicain, James
8:00 AM 13B White Termin, David + Watts, Michael
Watts, Michael
8:00 AM 13B White Termin, David + Vicain, James