WCSGA-2022 Tee Sheet

2022-27 - Thu, July 28

The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA / White
Time Players
The Courses at Watters Creek - WCSGA
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allen, Bruce
9:10 AM White Reading, John + Scott, Michael + Tower, Thomas
Aranguren, Freddie
7:40 AM White Lizaso, Manny + Quiocho, Pete
Baker, Bob
8:10 AM White Ingram, Jack + Mewbourne, Roy + Schoppe, Robert
Basnett, Brett
9:20 AM White Baucum, Bob + Duarte, Roger + Young, David
Baucum, Bob
9:20 AM White Basnett, Brett + Duarte, Roger + Young, David
Brooks, Bill
9:00 AM White Brooks, Tommy + Gillespie, Rick
Brooks, Tommy
9:00 AM White Brooks, Bill + Gillespie, Rick
Buenafe, Dennis
7:50 AM White Nogra, Orlyndo + Taberna, Joven + Udan, Renato
Cantorna, Rey
7:30 AM White Gazioglu, Sal + Horowitz, Bruce
Coulson, Doug
8:00 AM White McCorkle, Gary + Seba, Don + Shaw, Blake
Duarte, Roger
9:20 AM White Basnett, Brett + Baucum, Bob + Young, David
Faldet, Larry
9:30 AM White Holomshek, Frank + Jones, Ed + Summers, Mark
Gazioglu, Sal
7:30 AM White Cantorna, Rey + Horowitz, Bruce
Gillespie, Rick
9:00 AM White Brooks, Bill + Brooks, Tommy
Gordon, Richard
8:30 AM White Sanchez, Anthony + Silver, Dale
Holomshek, Frank
9:30 AM White Faldet, Larry + Jones, Ed + Summers, Mark
Horowitz, Bruce
7:30 AM White Cantorna, Rey + Gazioglu, Sal
Hund, Ray
8:20 AM White Kennelly, John + Tonrey, Frank
Ingram, Jack
8:10 AM White Baker, Bob + Mewbourne, Roy + Schoppe, Robert
Jones, Ed
9:30 AM White Faldet, Larry + Holomshek, Frank + Summers, Mark
Kennelly, John
8:20 AM White Hund, Ray + Tonrey, Frank
Lizaso, Manny
7:40 AM White Aranguren, Freddie + Quiocho, Pete
Loeb, Bob
8:40 AM White Mitchell, Richard + Schuler, Ron + Stallings, Winston
Lowen, Robert
10:40 AM White Stewart, Carl
McCorkle, Gary
8:00 AM White Coulson, Doug + Seba, Don + Shaw, Blake
Mewbourne, Roy
8:10 AM White Baker, Bob + Ingram, Jack + Schoppe, Robert
Mitchell, Richard
8:40 AM White Loeb, Bob + Schuler, Ron + Stallings, Winston
Nogra, Orlyndo
7:50 AM White Buenafe, Dennis + Taberna, Joven + Udan, Renato
Quiocho, Pete
7:40 AM White Aranguren, Freddie + Lizaso, Manny
Reading, John
9:10 AM White Allen, Bruce + Scott, Michael + Tower, Thomas
Roets, John
9:40 AM White Tolson, Larry
Sanchez, Anthony
8:30 AM White Gordon, Richard + Silver, Dale
Schoppe, Robert
8:10 AM White Baker, Bob + Ingram, Jack + Mewbourne, Roy
Schuler, Ron
8:40 AM White Loeb, Bob + Mitchell, Richard + Stallings, Winston
Scott, Michael
9:10 AM White Allen, Bruce + Reading, John + Tower, Thomas
Seba, Don
8:00 AM White Coulson, Doug + McCorkle, Gary + Shaw, Blake
Shapiro, Mike
8:50 AM White Thomas, Jerry
Shaw, Blake
8:00 AM White Coulson, Doug + McCorkle, Gary + Seba, Don
Silver, Dale
8:30 AM White Gordon, Richard + Sanchez, Anthony
Stallings, Winston
8:40 AM White Loeb, Bob + Mitchell, Richard + Schuler, Ron
Stewart, Carl
10:40 AM White Lowen, Robert
Summers, Mark
9:30 AM White Faldet, Larry + Holomshek, Frank + Jones, Ed
Taberna, Joven
7:50 AM White Buenafe, Dennis + Nogra, Orlyndo + Udan, Renato
Thomas, Jerry
8:50 AM White Shapiro, Mike
Tolson, Larry
9:40 AM White Roets, John
Tonrey, Frank
8:20 AM White Hund, Ray + Kennelly, John
Tower, Thomas
9:10 AM White Allen, Bruce + Reading, John + Scott, Michael
Udan, Renato
7:50 AM White Buenafe, Dennis + Nogra, Orlyndo + Taberna, Joven
Young, David
9:20 AM White Basnett, Brett + Baucum, Bob + Duarte, Roger